Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

Formal lettter

Belitung St. , Phone : 081291227913, Fax : (022) 4238402

Dear Parents,

With respect, we would like to inform you, that in order to increase knowledge, insight and experience related to science and technology for our students, the school will do an educational tour that will be held on :

Date  : 2nd November 2018
Time  : 7 AM – 2 PM
Place : Geology Museum

For the event to take place, for parents who allow their children to participate in this activity, please sign the next attachment and return it to the school before 30th October 2018. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Bandung, 25th October 2018
School Principal
Dannara Aisyah

Summary of Debate

1st round summary

Motion : This House Would Ban Cigarettes

Opening Government : Cigarettes causing negative impact. It can make many disease.

Opening Opposition : Many people use cigarettes to reduce stress

Closing Government : We have to banned Cigarettes to reduce pollution

Closing Opposition : If we banned cigarettes it will impact to economy and other factor

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018


Dhinda : "Hi, Adhari. Where are you going?"

Adhari : "Hi, Dhinda. I want to go to the counseling room"

Dhinda : "For what?"

Adhari : "I want to discuss about major in my future faculty"

Dhinda : "Oh, what do you want to pick?"

Adhari : "Maybe, science faculty"

Dhinda : "Oh, i see. You like mathematics right? But, is it easy to get a job if you pick science faculty?"

Adhari : "I dont know"

Dhinda : "I think you are more suitable to Industrial Technology Faculty. You will easy to get a job."

Adhari : "Really? What kind of job is it?"

Dhinda : "You can work at production company, engineering company, and many more"

Adhari : "Wow, there is a lot of job"

Dhinda : "Yes, but it refers to your choice"

Adhari : "Thanks for your suggestion. I will think about it again"

Aspiration Day

Every year, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung hold an Aspiration Day. Aspiration Day is the day where all the students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung could giv...